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Errors and limits

Rate Limits

The Pyrus API handles no more than 5,000 requests per 10 minutes per user.

Response HTTP headers contain additional information about limits:

  • X-RateLimit-Limit — the maximum number of requests allowed in the current time interval.
  • X-RateLimit-Remaining — the number of requests left in the current time interval.
  • X-RateLimit-Reset — the number of seconds before the beginning of the next time interval.

If you exceed the limit access to the Pyrus API will be restricted. In this case, you will receive a response with HTTP Status Code 429: too_many_requests: You have reached the limit of requests per 10 minutes.

Other Limits

  • The maximum allowed catalog items count — 15000.
  • The maximum allowed catalog item length — 500.
  • The maximum allowed number of task comments — 10000.
  • The maximum allowed number of task attachments — 3000.
  • The maximum allowed number of task steps — 20.

Possible Errors

API methods return errors in the JSON format. An example of an error might look like this:

     "error_code": "revoked_token",
     "error": "Authorization token has been revoked."

In addition to the error message, the response contains its code (which can be processed automatically). Error text descriptions may change, but their codes will be constant.

Below you can find error codes that can occur when working with the API.

server_errorInternal server error. You are not supposed to see this error, however if it persists for more than 10 minutes you may want to contact support.
invalid_credentialsInvalid login/security key
token_not_specifiedThe authrozation token is not specified. Please specify the token in the HTTP authorization header.
revoked_tokenThe authorization token has been revoked. Please get a new token.
expired_tokenThe authorization token has expired. Please get a new token.
invalid_tokenThe authorization token is invalid. Please verify the token or get a new one.
authorization_errorUnknown authorization error. Please verify input parameters and retry the request.
account_blockedThe user account that executed the request is blocked. You should contact your company’s administrator.
invalid_field_idThe field with the specified identifier does not exist in the form. Please verify input parameters.
deleted_fieldThe field with the specified identifier has been deleted from the form. Please verify input parameters.
invalid_field_nameThe field with the specified name does not exist in the form. Please verify input parameters.
invalid_field_id_nameThe field with the specified identifier and name does not exist or has been deleted. Please verify input parameters.
non_unique_nameThe field name is not unique within the form. Please use the form field identifier to write value into it.
field_identity_missingThe form field identity (id or name) is not specified in the request.
duplicate_fieldYou are trying to modify the same field multiple times in one request.
invalid_catalog_idThe catalog with the id specified in the form template does not exist.
invalid_catalog_item_nameThe item with the specified name does not exist in the catalog.
non_unique_catalog_item_nameThere are multiple items with the specified name in the catalog. Please use item identifier to set a value.
invalid_catalog_item_idThe item with the specified id does not exist in the catalog.
catalog_item_id_name_mismatchThe item with the specified identifier doesn't have a specified value.
invalid_emailThe person with that specified email adress does not exist.
non_unique_emailThere are multiple persons with that specified email.
invalid_person_idThe person with the specified id was not found.
invalid_person_id_emailThe person with the specified identifier has another email.
form_has_no_taskThere is no task with the specified id created based on the specified form template id.
unrecognized_attachment_idInvalid unique identifier of attachment. User has no attachment with specified id.
required_field_missingOne of the required form fields is missing. (The error description will indicate which one.)
type_is_not_supportedThis field type does not support the writing of values.
catalog_identity_missingCatalog item_id must be specified in order to write value into the catalog field.
incorrect_parameters_countIncorrect parameter count for the selected filter operator.
filter_type_is_not_supportedThis field type is not supported as a filter value.
step_field_does_not_existsThere are no step fields in the form. You can't filter this form by step number.
catalog_item_id_missingCatalog item_id must be specified in order to write value.
person_identity_missingPerson id or email must be specified in order to write value.
either_due_date_or_due_can_be_setCan't set both due_date and due.
negative_durationDuration can't be negative.
duration_is_too_longDuration can't be more than 1 year.
due_missingCan't set duration without due.
scheduled_date_in_pastA task's scheduled date can't be in the past.
can't_add_form_projectYou can't attach a task to a form project or a form's subprojects.
form_template_cant_be_removed_from_taskForm template list can't be removed from the task.
no_file_in_requestThere are no files in the request.
too_large_request_lengthThe file you are attaching exceeds the maximum allowable size.
task_has_no_formThe task has no fields to modify.
required_parameter_missingOne of the required request parameters is missing (The error message will indicate which one.)
too_many_task_stepsThe maximum allowed number of task steps has been exceeded.
invalid_value_formatThe provided value can't be converted to the field type. (The error message will indicate the type and value.)
too_many_commentsThe maximum allowed number of task comments exceeded (10000).
invalid_step_numberStep number can not be less than 1.
task_limit_exceededThe maximum allowed number of tasks for your organization exceeded.
field_is_in_tableThe field you are trying to change is a part of the table. You can modify it only by modifing the table.
required_table_field_missingThe required field inside table is not filled. The error text will contain the name of the table, the field name and the line number.
department_catalog_can_not_be_modifiedYou can not modify department catalog using public api.
catalog_duplicate_rowsCatalog contains duplicate rows. Remove them and try request again.
empty_catalog_headersCatalog headers can not be empty.
can_not_modify_deleted_catalogYou are trying to update a catalog that was deleted.
can_not_modify_first_columnYou can not modify the first column in the catalog.
catalog_headers_items_mismatchHeaders and values mismatch.
too_many_catalog_itemsThe maximum allowed catalog items count exceeded (15000).
catalog_item_max_length_exceededThe maximum catalog item length exceeded (500).
catalog_duplicate_headersCatalog contains duplicate headers. Remove them and try request again.
form_id_missingform_id parameter can't be empty.
text_missingTask text can't be empty.
invalid_jsonThe request body is not a valid JSON.
empty_bodyThe request body can't be empty.
access_denied_projectAccess to the requested project is denied. Make sure that the user has all the required permissions.
access_denied_taskAccess to the requested task is denied. Make sure that the user has all the required permissions.
access_denied_close_taskYou don't have enough permissions to close the task.
access_denied_reopen_taskYou don't have enough permissions to reopen the task.
access_denied_catalogAccess to the requested catalog is denied. Make sure that thw user has all the required permissions.
access_denied_formAccess to the requested form is denied. Make sure that the user has all the required permissions.
access_denied_personYou can't collaborate with the specified person. Make sure that you have this person in your contact list or send them an invitation.
too_many_requestsYou have reached the limit of requests per 10 minutes. Please wait and try again later.
empty_fileYou can not upload empty files.
bad_multipart_contentBad body format.
invalid_table_rowRows that have been deleted, or have not been created, cannot be reset.
cannot_add_external_userAn employee from another organization cannot be added to the task.
no_rights_to_send_smsYou cannot send a text message from this form because you don't have access (guest access does not provide the ability to send text messages).
sms_integration_not_configuredText message integration is not configured for this form. To configure, contact Pyrus support.
invalid_application_idCannot find form by mobile app id / web widget id.
text_missingText field is required to create new task.
form_id_missingform_id parameter can't be empty.
single_value_is_not_supportedYou can not write value to the field {field's name, id} using {obsolete property} property. Please use {actual property} instead.
participant_limit_exceededOne task may include no more than 1,000 participants.
table_rows_limit_exceededTable cannot contain more than 5,000 rows. Please remove extra columns from the table.
text_field_value_limit_exceededThe text field cannot contain a value longer than 512Kb. Please trim the value of the field or attach a text file.
unable_to_edit_fieldThe field {field's id, name} cannot be modified on current step.
too_many_decimal_placesThe {id, name} field contains a {number} of decimal places limit.
external_comment_empty_textYou must specify comment text to add external comment.
sender_address_field_missingThere is no field with code {code} on the form.
external_comment_recipient_not_foundEmail integration is not configured. The field with the "SenderAddress" code was not found.
default_mailbox_not_foundThis form does not have default mailbox to send external comments.
catalog_null_valueNull values are not allowed in catalog.
max_text_length_exceededThe value of the field with id {field id} and name {field name} exceeds the maximum length: {maximum length}.
due_outside_of_boundsDue is outside of bounds. Allowed interval is between 01.01.1970 0:00:00 and 01.01.2099 0:00:00.
attachments_forbiddenYou can not attach files to this task.
unrecognized_call_guidThere is no call with this id.
unsupported_attachment_formatThe attached file type is not supported.
validation_errorRequest is not valid: {description of the reason}.
access_denied_file_access_historyAccess to the file access history is denied.
access_denied_fileUser doesn't have access to the file.
access_denied_reportAccess to the report is denied.
access_deniedAccess denied.
file_limit_exceededTotal size of downloaded files must be less than 250Mb.
limit_exceededLimit exceeded.
items_count_out_of_rangeItem_count parameter should be in range between 0 and 20'000.
private_comment_has_forbidden_changesNote cannot contain attached files or change form fields.
private_channel_access_deniedYou don't have access to notes.

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