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Contact with Pyrus Cloud

Cloudless Pyrus

Pyrus Datacenter connects to Pyrus cloud servers to deliver push notifications to the mobile app and collect system usage statistics. This section describes the mechanism of this functionality, ways to manage it, including full disconnection, and the structures of the transmitted data.

Push messages for the mobile app

To ensure the functioning of push messages, Pyrus Datacenter forwards them through the Pyrus cloud service. Sent messages are immediately transmitted to mobile devices and are not stored on the Pyrus side. It is recommended that you provide Pyrus Datacenter access to the URL for the correct operation of this functionality.

Usage statistics

We use anonymous measurements of how you use Pyrus to develop the most demanded features and implement tariffs that meet the needs of many clients. It is recommended that you provide Pyrus Datacenter access to the URL for the correct operation of this functionality.

What data Pyrus collects

  • number of active users in the organization;

  • volume of files stored in the system;

  • number of integrations with third-party services connected;

  • number of created forms, tasks, and task lists;

  • version of Pyrus Datacenter being used.

Once a day, Pyrus generates data snapshots and sends them to its own server. The system administrator of the client company can monitor the collected data, and also disable their transmission.

Important: The information Pyrus collects and transmits to its server does not contain real identifiers of the client company, personal data, task content, etc.

What your Admin can do with the data

View snapshot data

The Pyrus Datacenter Admin can review both the data already sent, and the data prepared for sending to Pyrus.

To do this, execute the following query in the Pyrus database:

'select * from public.telemetrydata'

The data itself is collected in the 'telemetry' column, and in the 'status' column, the status of data transmission to Pyrus is recorded: 0 - not sent, 1 - in the process of sending, 2 - sent.

Enabling and disabling data transmission to Pyrus

The Pyrus Datacenter Admin can enable or disable generation and transmission of data snapshots by changing the value of the Pyrus configuration parameter. By default, this parameter is set to Enabled. To disable it, execute the command:

docker-compose run --rm pyrus-setup --setup -id 100004 -v false

Note: When changing the parameter to Disabled, old data slices are not deleted.

To enable data generation and back-sending, execute the following command:

docker-compose run --rm pyrus-setup --setup -id 100004 -v true

Important: Each slice individually weighs less than 1 kilobyte, so the volume of stored data on the client side is intentionally not limited.

Important: Each separate cross section weighs at least 1 kilobyte, so the volume of the stored data on the client side is purposely not limited.

Deleting slice data

To delete all statistics data, execute the following command in the Pyrus database:

'delete from public.telemetrydata'

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