A Tool Your Sales Team Will Love

Pyrus Automates Sales Workflows (and More)

Pyrus is a versatile communication platform for teamwork that can be easily adapted to the needs of every department in your organization. This week we focus on how it can make life easier for your entire sales team.

1. Every Inbound Lead is a Task

Communication in Pyrus centers on tasks, and your inbound leads are no exception.

Pyrus automatically converts incoming inquiries emailed to a designated address such as sales@yourcompany.com into actionable tasks for your sales reps to tackle. Any attachments on the original email are copied over into the new task. Created tasks can be programmatically assigned to a workflow based on the type of inquiry coming in. Read more

Over-Tasked and Under-Organized?

3 Reasons Your Team Can’t Get Things Done

Email Inbox Chaos

Your email inbox is a mess: countless unread messages, email threads that end with a meaningless “OK” with no clear sense of what should happen next, and irrelevant CC’d message threads you can’t unsubscribe from. If that is true of your own inbox, chances are the rest of your team is also suffering. Read more

The History of Email

From Groundbreaking Communication To Workplace Agony

The Dark Ages

Before connectivity among different computers – what we think of as the internet – messages could only be sent to different users of the same computer. Programmer Raymond Tomlinson is credited with inventing email around 1971 when he may or may not have sent “QWERTYUIOP” as the first network electronic message. He was the first to connect his computer to his mailbox by using an “@” symbol.

Email Comes Out of the Shadows

=&2=& The word “email” was first coined in 1982. By 1985, the typical users of email were government and military employees, and students and academic professionals. Email became mainstream with the advent of free email providers like Hotmail and Yahoo in the 1990’s. Suddenly everyone wanted at least one email address, and the number of email users worldwide jumped from millions to hundreds of millions.

Email’s Maturity

By 1997, email had become big business. Microsoft purchased Hotmail for approximately $400 million. In 2003, the 77 million workers who used a computer at work said they most commonly used it to access the internet and check email. In 2012 there were more than 3 billion email accounts across the globe, and approximately 294 billion emails were sent per day. In the US, 90 million Americans accessed email through a mobile device, with 64% doing so on a regular basis. =&4=&

The Age of Unwilling Readers

Tom Van Vleck, an internet pioneer, said he was

“mighty displeased” Read more