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Limitations and Errors

Request Limitations

Extensions API methods can be accessed no more than 5000 times in 10 minutes. Additional information about limitations is included in the response HTTP headers:

  • X-RateLimit-Limit — the maximum number of requests allowed in this time interval;
  • X-RateLimit-Remaining — the number of requests remaining before exceeding the limit in this time interval;
  • X-RateLimit-Reset — the number of seconds until the start of the next time interval.

Possible Errors

Errors that may be returned when executing any request to the Extensions API in the error_code field:

  • server_error — internal server error, contact Pyrus support;

  • token_not_specified — authorization token not specified. You need to specify the token in the Authorization HTTP header;

  • revoked_token — authorization token has been revoked. You need to obtain a new token;

  • invalid_token — invalid authorization token. You need to check that the the token is correct, or obtain a new one;

  • invalid_request — the data passed in the request is not a valid request;

  • empty_body — the request body cannot be empty;

  • too_many_requests — the maximum number of requests for the period has been exceeded. Wait a few minutes and try the request again;

  • required_parameters_not_specified — required request parameters are not specified;

  • validation_error — incorrect request.

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