Workplace Lessons From The Navy SEALs


Navy SEALs are commonly acknowledged as the most hard-core, devoted, relentless military personnel ever. They are physically strong, emotionally resilient, and simply never give up. Their skills have been used with great success all around the world.

So what can we learn from the way that they are trained in order to bring the same kind of excellence to the workplace? It might be easier than you think to bring the same warrior mentality to work. It has to do with establishing good habits. Let’s get into them: Read more

How And Where To Take Free Classes Online To Expand Your Skills


Did you know that you can go to MIT for free? Did you know that there are endless educational resources waiting for you to consume them online?

There’s a new educational movement afoot, seeing prestigious universities and educational institutions putting their materials online almost always for free. If you are a committed self-starter, there’s no reason you can’t learn about a topic that you’ve been curious about for years without acting on. These are commonly called MOOCs, short for “massively open online courses.” Read more

The Best Apps To Protect Your Privacy Online


Making careless mistakes online can end up having real-world repercussions for your business or your personal life. It seems like malicious hackers are only increasingly intent on wreaking havoc on digital assets, so there’s an increasing amount of attention needed to be paid to how you communicate with others and go about business online. Read more

How To Start An Internship Program And Hire Worthwhile Interns


If you work in a field that’s interesting to young students or those who have recently graduated, you both may benefit from your offering an internship program. An internship is nothing more than knowingly taking someone into your organization who doesn’t have all the knowledge and experience to thrive. But this is the genius behind the internship — these people gain the skills to not only become a productive member of your industry, but to your specific company as well. It’s no small wonder why many people are able to turn their internships into full-time jobs. Read more

The Fundamental Problem With Conventional Support Systems


Last year I left a company that ran on Pyrus to join a much larger company that simply relied on email to get everything done. It was hard to get reacquainted with email in everyday work, but it only means I discovered another industry which badly needs a Pyrus-style communications product: IT support. Read more

How To Find And Use A Virtual Personal Assistant

If your business is going to be competitive in every respect, this means ensuring that you have the time to work on the most important tasks at any given time.

But this doesn’t always line up with reality. Minor problems that can’t be ignored will pop up from time to time. Small must-do errands will appear from nowhere when you have more significant things requiring your attention. Read more

What To Do When Your Boss Doesn’t Like You

For better or worse, people are social creatures who are only able to get things done by communicating with each other. When these communication styles don’t mesh well, things can get bumpy between individuals. When those individuals work together, it can get uglier still.

A boss doesn’t need to be your friend, but it needs to be someone you can work with (and for) effectively. Otherwise your work life can become a torturous situation. For your sake, and your boss’s sake, here are some things to do when it seems like you just can’t get along with your superior. Read more

Productivity Hacks To Make You More Efficient At Work

There’s never enough time, unless you manage it carefully and keep a diligent calendar. And surely we all want some more open and free spaces on our schedules, so let’s revisit some key tactics in making short work of your work day.

Delegate, delegate, delegate. It’s easy to forget that if you’re in charge, you’re supposed to be spending your time quite differently from everyone. ideally this is because you have talents that are better plied elsewhere while still advancing the overall goals of a company. Delegating work to others frees you up to spend time doing that which you find makes you most effective. In general, if there’s an item in between you and your preferred task and that item can be delegated, then delegate the heck out of it. Read more