Pyrus Already Has The Gmail Plugin You’ve Been Waiting For

Your organization uses Pyrus and productivity is through the roof. Great! But the rest of the world is still using email. How do you get the two services to talk to each other?

You only need to do is install the Pyrus Gadget for Gmail. It makes it a snap to manipulate an email as if it were a Pyrus task, letting you comment on it, send it for approval, set a due date, and so on. The data is instantly passed to Pyrus without your even needing to log in.

If you’re already using the Pyrus Gadget, it’s important that you update it before September 30. Google is changing security protocols for the better, but you’ll need to update this so that it will continue to work after that.

It’s easy to install. Just head to the page in the Google Apps Marketplace and click on the button that says “Integrate with Google.”


Grant Pyrus the necessary permissions it needs to run properly in the window that appears after that, and you’ll know you’ve completed the installation/update correctly when you see this:

Screen Shot 2014-09-17 at 9.54.14 PM.png

Now open up an email and get to work with the new Pyrus buttons you have!
